Going forward though, I will be enforcing some very simple, hygienic rules we should already be following 

1 - Please wash your hands when you first arrive to class. There is a half-bath located less than 15 feet from my studio area that has proper hand-washing materials.
2 - If you cough or sneeze, make sure you do so into the bend of your elbow or into a tissue (which I keep on hand). If you sneeze or cough in your hands, I will ask you to please wash your hands again.
3 - If you are not feeling well (whether it's allergies or otherwise), I would ask you to please stay home. I can offer you a to go option for the class OR you may come to one of the monthly Open Crop sessions to complete your class once you are better.
Please know that any common class items are sanitized before and after classes. I want to make sure that my customers have an extra sanitized environment so that you may enjoy your crafting time. I mean, really, that's why you're here...to enjoy yourselves!
I hope that you, your family and your pet(s) are remaining safe and healthy. And please check on your elderly neighbors. Don't assume someone is checking in on them and if you can, help them.
In the meantime, stay crafty my friends