Designer Series Paper is on Sale Ya'll!

We all love gorgeous Designer Series Paper, and during this incredible sale, you can enjoy a 15% discount on select papers from our current catalogs! Now is a great time to stock up and save on some of our most popular paper designs!  Want a Better Discount?

Get your paper at 35% off!

I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't share with you that, when you purchase your own demonstrator kit*, you can use your 20% discount PLUS the 15% paper discount and shop at 35% off!  It's really that simple!  There is absolutely no obligation.

*You don't need customers - When you purchase a kit, YOU are your own customer

*You don't need to sell - Other than to yourself 🙂

*You don't need to work this as a business - this opportunity is GREAT for crafters just wanting to maximize discounts for their hobby.

Click this campaign link for more details, including the list of papers on sale, FAQs about being a demonstrator, how to purchase your customizable kit, or just go shopping!

When you order, use Host Code UFWTSW7M.  If your order is $25 or more, you will get a free class kit in the mail using the In Good Taste Suite Collection.