FB Live 11/29/2020 - Dove of Hope Bundle

I always look forward to the beginning of each month because that gives me the opportunity to show you what's in store for you to get for free just by ordering through me.  When choosing what bundle I wanted to use, I decided to use the Dove of Hope bundle.  It has a couple of greetings that can still be used even after Christmas is over.  I mean, really, who doesn't want a little Peace, Joy and Love in their life?  The first picture shown is also a replica of what you see in the August - December catalog (page 13) so you can see that YES, you can make the cards in our catalogs!  There is a video and supply list below to help you if you need to know what to purchase to make these cards and how to assemble them.

Todays' cards use are pre-featuring the December 2020 Monthly Online Ordering Special/Monthly Class and use the Dove of Hope Bundle from the August - December 2020 Mini Catalog (page 13).  The official Host Code information will post December 1st....I just wanted to give you a preview sooner than later 🙂