My New Journey

Well.  Today I am officially an independent creator.  Not associated with any particular direct sales company and free to demonstrate with whatever products find their way into my crafting studio.  My crafting journey has paved the way to where I am today, and I am comfortable with that.  Crafting (and kittens) are the heart of what truly makes me happy.  And it is kitten season, so ya'll know the drill - once I get foster kittens into my hands, they'll be making special appearances :)

So, you ask, what does this mean as far as products you demonstrate?  Over the past couple months, I have been researching and associating myself with companies I would like to affiliate with or that I can benefit from demonstrating their products.  In any of my event details, it's important to use the links I provide, as those are specific to representing me.  In return, I either receive product credit or a percentage of the sale from whatever you purchase using that link.  It's important to remember that doesn't cost you anything - whatever I get comes from the company directly (almost like a thank you gift for demonstrating their products).  At the bottom of my blog page, you'll see icons for those affiliates (that have my specific links you can use embedded into the picture).  It's really that easy and as transparent as it gets.

Other free ways to show your support is to subscribe to my social media channels and engage with the videos.  Liking, commenting and sharing are examples of that engagement.  Make sure to bookmark and visit my blog:  It has been completely re-designed and has lots of great resources for class kits to go, the monthly card subscription, current project classes, affiliates I recommend and much, much more!

You will also see a brand-new icon "Cards for Cats".  I have created a new category that links to my online store for my already made cards.  The majority of the proceeds will be donated to a local (to me) cat sanctuary I visited a few weeks ago.  The link to their web site is listed on that blog page so that you can see how your card purchases are working to benefit the cat sanctuary.  More cards are added as I go through and hand select cards to list.

Until then, see you in the next video!
