Take 2--I say take two because the first part of my video cut off. Thank you for watching! Don't forget to join me on FB page to like or comment. That's how you are entered into my weekly drawing for all 3 cards made in this demonstration.
CONGRATULATIONS to Veronica Johnson for winning last week's cards! I will get those in the mail to you tomorrow 

SHARE EVENT: I currently have a share event going on right now. Look at the Share event post on my FB page (or here on my blog page) for all of the details. I only have room for 2 more shares in this first round. If you miss this round of shares, I will create another round that will have different RSVP and payment deadline dates.
BOGO EVENT: It starts on June 3rd! Look at the BOGO event announcement on my FB page (or here right here on my blog page--on June 3rd there will be a new page entitled New Annual Catalog BOGO Event that will publish) for all of the details. It will be completely ONLINE this year AND will run for a whole month! Awesome, huh?